Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dual (2022) English Movie Online Live Streaming Watch

Dual (2022) English Movie

Movie Info

Release Date in US 15 April 2022 | Release Date in India 26 August 2022 | Language English & Hindi Dubbed,Telgu Dubbed,Tamil Dubbed,Bangali Dubbed, | Genre Sci-Fi, Thriller | Duration 1h 35min

Online Live Streaming Watch

Language: English & Hindi Dubbed | Release Year: 2022 | Director- Riley Stearns | Writer- Riley Stearns | Cinematography- Michael Ragen | Music- Emma Ruth Rundle | Producer- Nate Bolotin, Aram Tertzakian, Lee Kim, Riley Stearns, Nick Spicer, Maxime Cottray | Production- XYZ Films, IPR.VC, Resolute Films and Entertainment | Stars- Karen Gillan, Aaron Paul, Theo James, Beulah Koale, Maija Paunio, Sanna-June Hyde, Andrei Alén, Kris Gummerus

Watch Online -Dual (2022) English Movie

Storyline: Following a terminal diagnosis, a woman elects to undergo cloning surgery; but, after recovering, her attempts to have her clone decommissioned are unsuccessful, which leads to a duel to the death that is mandated by a court. Sarah (Karen Gillan) attempts to prepare for death by having a clone of herself made to comfort her mother and boyfriend Peter (Beulah Koale) due to an incurable stomach-based sickness (Maija Paunio). After overcoming her illness, Sarah will now survive, but her mother and her lover Peter get along much better with the duplicate Sarah than with the actual Sarah. However, only one of the two is permitted to continue living under the law.
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